follow and share

Well hello there – so you enjoy the blog and the thought of two strong men coming daily in your mailbox is what you’re after. Of course it is! Well, to follow this blog, just put your email address into the follow me box which will be:

  • on the right of this page, if viewed on a laptop, PC or most tablets; or
  • at the bottom of this page, if viewed on a mobile.

I never spam or send out nonsense but you’ll get a little email everytime I posted, which so far is once daily. I mean, I’m a young guy but I have limits, you know?

It would be amazing if you could share the blog and the recipes – scatter them in the wind like so many disposed tissues. Give them out in your slimming class, post a link to the blog on your Facebook groups, go crazy – the more shares the better!

Finally, if you post a comment and it doesn’t appear, don’t fret – we have to moderate them and that can take up to 24hours – but we always get round to it and we’re always very thankful.

Cheesy though it is, we wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t for everyone else.

Urgh, my fucking teeth hurt.

49 thoughts on “follow and share

  1. This is the first blog I have ever read and whilst people on the bus think I am bonkers for laughing out loud, you have made my 90 minute commute enjoyable . Please can I follow and share xxx


    • I’ve added you to the follow list, and just share that link far and wide! šŸ™‚ glad to have improved your commute and thank you šŸ™‚


  2. Found this blog by accident last week and haven’t stopped chuckling yet – all this merriment and SW friendly too!! Just subscribed, thank you xx


  3. Just discovered your blog – best laugh I’ve had in ages! And the recipes are good too. Thanks for cheering up being on a diet.


    • Thanks Chris! Glad you like it šŸ™‚ We’re on Facebook and Twitter too divvn’t yer knaa so you’ll be too far away from us fatties šŸ™‚

      P x


  4. Oh god every day off I get I’m straight on here reading what you have been up to recently. The streams of consciousness have me chuckling to myself and crying as I try and tell the fella the funny bits. I absolutely love it. Thank you for brightening my days šŸ™‚ xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now, usually at on my lunch break complete with funny and irritated stares from my colleagues when laughing out loud. You have given me the motivation to return to Slimming World – managed to lose 4.9kg on my own since September but now starting to plateau. I’ve picked out some of your syn free recipes to keep me going through the week. I look forward to reading your next post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh, cheers Beckie! Glad you like it! Please do try some recipes and let us know what you think – we’re always looking for feedback both good and bad, and suggestions for improvement! P x


  6. This page always lifts my spirits when I’m having a difficult day and inspires me to do more, I thank you šŸ˜„


  7. This is amazing! Thank you so much! You guys are hilarious! I always struggle to incorporate the food I love yet make it healthy; you’ve done just that. X


    • I really think it’s the key, eating proper food as opposed to slop – you enjoy it more and stick to it! šŸ˜€


  8. This is the 1st time I’m gonna follow a blog, you guys r amazing, I’ll be checking it out as often as I can, really looking 4ward 2 trying out the recipes , thank u so much 4 sharing, awesome šŸ˜ƒ xx


  9. Oh. My. Giddy. Aunt. This is the funniest blog I’ve ever read! I haven’t even reached your recipe section yet, and I’m hooked. ā˜ŗ


    • I was once shared around Ayia Napa – I was picking sand out from my bumcheeks for months after! Thanks šŸ™‚


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