the endless thank you cycle

Because it’s blowing a gale outside (I’m reminded of when Sky News reported from the storm last year and it cut to an old man who said, quite solemnly, ‘A OPENED THE DOOR AND A GOT SUCKED OFF’ – well it’s not quite that extreme but…) we can’t be fussed to go out and get ingredients, so it’s an old recipe – the burger in a bowl, found here in a previous post! Low syns and quite delicious, even if it looks proper common.

No, my reason for the quick post tonight is we’re experiencing a very British problem – the thank you cycle. You may remember we’ve got three cars – one for me, one for fattychops and one gifted to us. Well, the third car doesn’t get used and it was a shame to have it sitting in the garage with only our ‘summer clothes’ and the ghost of the lady who lived here before us to keep it company. Our lovely neighbours were going on about their grandson needing a car when suddenly a lightbulb went off above our heads and we said he could have our third car as a thank you for all the help our neighbours give us, especially when it comes to gardening and using up hours of our time on anecdotes. He’s absolutely lovely (and his wife is terrific) but he talks like I write – why use two words when eighteen paragraphs and three side stories about being a butcher will do? Wouldn’t swap them for the world, especially when compared to HRTwee, so it was really no bother at all.

So, car handed over with a big thank you from us for all of their help. But oh no! They wanted to say thank you to us, so we had a very awkward conversation full of ‘it’s no bother’ and ‘no really, you mustn’t’ but god bless them, they’ve bought us £100 in theatre vouchers (after a difficult chat about our interests, it didn’t seem seemly to ask for leather chaps and a moustache trimmer). Worse, they’ve popped it through our door when we’ve been at work, meaning we’ll have to do the very right thing and nip over to say thanks. BUT. This to me seems like too big of a present just to say thank you, so what do we do now? Get a card? Go over and do the ‘OH YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE’ dance? I’m terrified that if we buy a small bunch of flowers, we’ll end up getting an even smaller thank you back – like a Lindt chocolate or a copy of Take a Break with the arrow-word completed. And then what happens? Do I go over with my last Rolo and a daisy? I can see this whole thing ending up with us grappling in the street, trying to outdo each other’s politeness through our tears.

Ah what a thing it is to be British.